认 证:工商信息已核实
产品编号 | Product ID : | JYQ - 01 |
分子式 | Chemical Formula: | CaO |
分子量 | Molecular Weight: | 56.077 |
CAS No. : | 1305-78-8 | |
H.S. Code: | 25221000 |
通用型 GeneralType
High content of calcium oxide, suitable for calcium oxide content, impurities, whiteness requirements of higher food, medicine, intermediates, petrochemical, acid inhibitors, stabilizers and other industries.
物理特性 Physical Characteristic
Calcium oxide is an inorganic compound, its chemical normally called quick lime. It is grayish white or light yellow powder with moisture absorption feature. It's density is about 3.350g/cm3, and the bulk density is about 1.8g/cm3.
化学指标 Chemical Specifications
氧化钙 | Calcium oxide | CaO | 95.0% | ± 1 |
二氧化硅 | Acid insoluble | SiO2 | 0.10% | max |
碳酸钙 | Calcium carbonate | CaCO3 | 2.00% | max |
氧化铁 | Iron Oxide | Fe2O3 | 0.20% | max |
氧化铝 | Aluminum Oxide | Al2O3 | 0.50% | max |
氧化镁 | Magnesium Oxide | MgO | 0.50% | max |
高温失重 | Loss on ignition | L.O.I | 2.00% | max |
白度 | Whiteness | Appearance | 85 | min |
细度 | D90 Particle size | 600 Mesh Screen | 20μm | max |
储存注意事项 Storage note
Attention to dust inhalation protection, and skin contact protection.
It can only be stored in a dry, sealed warehouse with no contact with acidic substances and moisture.
The above mentioned chemical has non-toxic, non polluting, alkaline corrosive.
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